How's the Bay Doing?
How's the Bay doing? This is a Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) recent report....we agree with the findings, and frankly there's a lot of good signs around the St. Mary's/St. Jerome's Creek area - in terms of fish (especially Menhaden), oysters (see the giant we found in the water last week, below!), ribbed mussels and snails, and the well-fed Ospreys.

The 2014 State of the Bay Report is a mix of good and bad news.
The good news is that the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint—the federal-state partnership that requires all of us to ratchet down pollution—is in place and working. Water quality is improving, underwater grasses are starting to come back, and oysters are more plentiful. But while we can celebrate water quality improvements, we're worried by the blue crab and rockfish declines.
The 2014 State of the Bay Report confirms: The Bay remains a system dangerously out of balance.
(By K, J, M & C)
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